We are thrilled to welcome the team of shesaid.so Miami

Launched in 2023 by AJ Alvarez, Francesca Aquino, and Adel Hattem, the chapter was established out of a need for a community of women and gender non-conforming people in all areas of the music industry.

Miami is full of vibrant and effervescent energy, and so the aspiration is to create a secure and inclusive environment where like-minded people can come together, communicate openly, exchange ideas, bring attention to issues, learn, mentor, be mentored and find opportunities related to the music field.

“We believe it's our duty as women in the music industry to give back, support each other and help each other rise. This is our community and we all play a major role in it. We invite all music genres! Through diversity, new ideas are born. Stay tuned for chapter meet-ups, plans, events and more!”

shesaid.so Miami has already hosted its first event - brunch organized by Meta alongside “She is the Music” and “Femme House” during Miami Music Week. It was a fantastic opportunity to celebrate women in electronic music, both behind the decks and behind the scenes. We look forward to hosting more events like this in the future, where we can come together to celebrate and empower women in music.

Thank you for being a part of creating a beautiful culture!

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Read about all members HERE