Applications are now closed. The selected pairs will be announced w/c July 6th.


We are excited to bring the she.grows mentorship scheme to France and Italy.

As part of this programme, a total of 12 Italy-based mentees and 12 France-based mentees will be paired with 24 mentors. Mentees must select whether they prefer a local or an international mentor. Please note, the she.grows mentoring programme is tailored to women and other gender minorities. The scheme is better suited for those working "behind the scenes" in the music industry. This project is not tailored for artists/musicians seeking support for their musical project.

Applications close on June 7th, 2020 at 23:59 CET. We look forward to receiving yours!

The Mentor/Mentee pairs will be announced on June 30th.

Please note - this application form is for international mentors only

Mentor requirements:
+ Minimum of 7 years of experience in the music industry
+ Digest Mentoring Handbooks prior to the introduction event (virtual)
+ Take part in the introduction event, mentor training webinar and closing meeting. All other events (online or offline) are optional for mentors.
+ Spend a minimum of 2h per month in 1to1 meetings with your mentee (virtual unless otherwise specified). The programme ends in December 2020.
+ Monthly check-ins with the Mentorship Manager (email or call) and provide feedback/info where needed
+ Commit to at least one follow-up call/meeting with their mentee and the mentorship manager within 30 days after the programme completion
+ Complete the Evaluation form at the end of the programme

Mentor benefits:
+ All participants, both mentors and mentees, will be granted lifelong Alice membership to access the global community (should current members be selected to participate in the programme, their membership fees will be waived)

+ Practical support from their mentoring manager
+ Optional access to a minimum of 6 mentoring events/activities. These are practical sessions designed to equip participants with additional skills that will boost their career development. Additional activities may be added where attendance is optional.
+ Career development opportunities are expanded
+ Enhancement of leadership skills
+ Improvement in the motivation of both mentors and mentees
+ Enhanced organisational performance
+ Improved communication at all levels
+ Increased confidence in both mentors and mentees
+ Cultivating a culture of teamwork and mutual support that mentors can bring into their own companies/jobs.